Ryan Delliacono

Senior Director CAPEX + Maintenance (National)
Ryan is the Senior Director of Operations – overseeing all maintenance operations, CAPEX project management, and specialized sustainability systems that exist throughout the AGPM national portfolio. He oversees hundreds of skilled associates who are tasked to maintain AGPM assets as premier assets in both the local and national spaces. Additionally, Ryan oversees all physical due-diligence efforts and the mobilization team for LOI slated assets that AGPM is positioning to acquire.
He also oversees all utility analysis efforts across the AGPM national portfolio, which includes sophisticated water consumption monitoring solutions, leak detection monitoring solutions, Photovoltaic System productivity, Indirect DWH systems, amongst others that have been designed and implemented throughout AGPM’s national portfolio to reduce OPEX and utility-spend – further reducing the company’s environmental impact and providing an observable economic savings to our resident-base.
Ryan started his career in RE Asset Operations in 2004 with Cameo Professionals, where he held various non-managerial and managerial roles in maintenance operations. He joined AGPM (then Banyan Realty, LLC) in 2009 as a Senior Regional Maintenance Director, where he established countless policies, procedures, and professional development training initiatives for the AGPM operations team across the country.